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My Little Lady Ivy Grace

First post of 2019. It was so nice taking two weeks off social media and actually enjoying my little girl, But I want to get back into the swing of things now but I may still be a tad bit slow at posting as I spend every single second with my little girl.

December pretty much was a complete blur. The time really got away from me, Before we knew it, I was in hospital in labour and all went from there and 3 weeks on, we are here loving our little family life.  Looking back at her arrival, really went by so quickly! but I'm going to leave them details for my labour talk post (which I will get on soon)

Our Little Girl Ivy Grace St George arrived into the world on the 31st of December 2018 (5 days early) at 11.19pm. She was so close to being a 2019 baby but she couldn't hold on any longer and came out weighting a whole 6lbs 11 1/2 ounces. She was so tiny but so beautiful and perfect. I couldn't be any more in love. 

Her name was picked from the very start of my pregnancy, It was actually the first name we talked about. I picked it and Mark fell in love from the second I mentioned it and he was pretty much set on that name. Me on the other hand not so much, I just felt like there was something nicer out there that I was going to fall in love with. But once I seen her and seen her perfect little face there was no question, Ivy Grace was her name!! Just fits her perfectly and I love the fact that no one has that name, That's something that we both wanted was a unique not common name.

Life with your baby cannot be describe, 3 weeks on now and I cannot get over how big she is getting, time really does flash before your eyes and go way to quick.
No one can prepare or describe the love you have for your own baby I promise you that much.
Being a mother is the best feeling in the world.

I have so many ideas for my posts, my brain could explode haha. I also don't have the time to do much as Ivy Grace very much craves all my attention and I hate leaving her to even use the bathroom. So bare with me until I get myself together and can properly multitask. 
Until then I hope you all enjoyed this quick little post. Just something to pop up for the mean time. 

Thanks so much for reading
Chat soon
Lyndsey xo 

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