Before participating at Mister International Netherlands 2014 Pageant, what did you do?
Actualy i was just figuring out that i wanted to preach a healthy lifestyle because it changed my life in a major way. So i came up with the idea that i could help other people accomplish their goals in life. So i was/am learning what i can about food, mentality, spirituality and offcourse about exercising.
Tell us about your family!
I have a very small but supporting and caring family. I grew up with my lovely mother who did everything she could to make sure we had what we needed. i have beautifull and smart brothers and sisters and lately i restored some lost time with my father who became not only my father but olso one of closest friends. We had some major down's in the past, it build us to who we now are and eventualy the down's dont weight up against the ups.
If you showed me around your country, where would you take me?
That's a good question, i quess i would take you to amsterdam because the city is realy a life. We have some good musea and theatre's, music and food. Basicly you can enjoy yourself no matter what type you are by the diversity of the city.
Name one living person that inspires you!
I have more than one person that inspires me but if i have to mention one name, the first one that pops up is: Elliott Hulse. Not because he is rich and famous. But because i come from a semilar road then he did. He lives his life to serve others by inspire them and by sharing his knowlegde about the mental, fysical and spiritual aspacts of life. That's a big part of what i am trying to build for myself and for others.
If you could have dinner with Dutch famous person, who would it be and why?
I wouln'd mind sitting down with a beautyfull lady like Doutzen Kroes haha.. But i sit with anyone that has made something out of nothing and didn't let anyone or anything comes between him/her goals. I find that very interesting.
About same-sex marriage, support it or not? Explain why?
I think we need to stop pointing fingers at each other. if 2 people from the same sex are in love who are we to judge and say that they cant marry. You can have a personal opinion ( we live in a free country) but it should stay with that. Its not like the commited a crime. Its just love and love is what life is all about. I should say GO FOR IT!!
If you were to be reborn, whom would you choose to be born as: Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela? Why?
For me Nelson Mandela. The strength that you need to stand up in front of a whole nation that is against you!! He knew his treu path, the reason he was born, his heavenly mission, how dark it gets or how difficult it seems he did not doubt it, he fight for it, he was willing to die for it, he gave it his all... And succeed! What a story.. What a HERO
Everyone has a mission in life. What do you think your mission is?
I think my mission is to bring awareness of exacly this question. What would the world look like if everyone lived their dream? I see so many people around me living mental slavery. Simply by doing the same thing every day over and over and over again. They dont even like their jobs but they are told its stable. I was one of them, but i got a vision. I got the insight that a lot of people don't get. Now i see it as my mission to inspire them to do the same. To life their dreams and follow their heart.
Did you dream of becoming a Mister International?
I have a winners mentality, if i start something i will do anything to win. I SEE myself succeed everytime i close my eyes and when i open them i DO anything to succeed. But when it turnes out that i dont win the battle i congratualate my oponent, see the journey as a lesson that i was supposed to make and that that lesson will help me for the next journey i am about to make. So if you look at it this way, youre always a winner.
How did you prepare yourself for Mister International Netherlands 2014?
I have a very busy schedule at the moment to prepare myself for M.I.
Every morning at 07:30 i go out running for a minimum of 30 min, then i refresh myself and go to work, after work i go straight home eating packing my stuff an go to the gym where i train every day for 2 hours minimun. after i trained myself i give personal training. When i come home at +/- 23:00 i study 1 hour last competition M.I. or my posing/walking skills or i study related things to my life mission. I follow a strickt and healthy dieet so i will be lean at the time to shine. I dont drink alcohol or go to party's just to keep my focus on my goal, i already inspire people on small scale to live their dreams and some of them are realy changed in a major way, so the seeds i've planted starting to give there fruits.
Among all the contestants, who do you think is your strongest rival? (you have to mention one name!)
I realy dont like this question because everybody has a great potentional in a certain way. But if i have to mention one name it would be: Danny wieland for his humanity and kindness.
If you win Mister International Netherlands 2014, what are your plans for the future?
M.I. would give me a larger audience to what i already do.. and that is to help others, inspire them to achieve their personal goals and to live a healthy life fysicly and mentaly. I turned my life completely around 2,5 years ago, changed my life from darkness into sunlight from misareble and hate to joy and love. Now i feel Great, i feel alive, i feel strong, i feel love and i feel that nothing can stop me. Now i want to share my experiences with the people around me because i wish that feeling for everyone to have.
Michael’s Favorites
What is your favorite food? -Surinam food
What is your favorite movie? -Slumdog millionaire
What is your favorite animal? -Lion
What are your two favorite colors? -Bleu - Red
Name your favorite book! -Persoonlijk leiderschap ( personal leadership)
Name your favorite magazine! -Mens Health
What is your favorite song or music video? -Dont have one in particulair
Who is your favorite celebrity? -Greg Plitt
What is your favorite ice cream flavour?-Strawberry-pistaceInterview by:
Chilton Sampono & Michael Glenn
Banners by:
Mark van Velsen
Special Thanks to:
Lyron Martina, The National Director
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