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Collagen Drinks: How Real Are They?

Aside from Stem Cell Therapy, another frontier in skin care science is taking Asia by storm lately and they're in tiny, cute, tote-able bottles that promise to promote Collagen production in your skin. Could this be the potion of youth? Ladies, meet the Collagen Drink.

Collagen Drinks were invented in Japan, which isn't at all surprising because it is a known fact that this country is a land of innovations. A number of studies were conducted on these drinks prior to their release in the market. I'd like to quote thepillhouse.com on this one:

"...there are a number of studies done that proves beyond a doubt that Hydrolysed collagen can indeed be absorbed by our bod, to almost 90%. Oesser et al. conducted a study not too long ago, and found that ninety-five percent of enterally applied gelatin hydrolysate was absorbed within the first 12 h. This was determined by Carbon 14 and HPLC methods. Iwai K et al. also did a similar study in Japan, and the results showed good bio-availability for oral hydrolysed collagen supplementation. Bear in mind that both studies used hydrolysed peptides, not whole collagen molecules."

What is Hydrolyzed Collagen, exactly? They're Collagen molecules broken down into smaller bits through a water process called Hydrolysis. The purpose of which is to let Collagen enter the bloodstream effortlessly and go right to where it is needed the most: the skin. Because whole collagen molecules cannot in any way pass through the gut holes leading to the bloodstream as their size is way too huge.

Collagen Drinks work like this: You take it like any regular drink, preferably once a day, the Collagen peptides apparently stay for 8- 12 hours in your blood stream, giving it enough time to get to your skin layers and encourage fibroblast-the Collagen producers-growth and the density of Collagen Fibrils, or the collagen strands that act as "scaffolding" to our skin. (thepillhouse.com)

There are really no solid evidences that support the efficacy of Collagen Drinks as it is very new (and even Collagen- laden topical skin care products according to sources) apart from the positive claims of many women who have been taking it. I guess the only way to measure its effectiveness is through the Placebo effect: If it makes you feel younger and better, then by all means, use it. If you are new to and interested in this, there are some things that you have to consider before purchasing a pack of Collagen Drink. Click READ MORE for the rest of this post.

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