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Christmas Cards // MostlyMilly

4th of December and today I sent out Christmas cards. Is it too early? Probably but I'm too organised this year, too excited that I couldn't resist. I've literally posted cards to family members that live a few streets away, that I could have walked down and posted myself, but chose to stick it in the postbox instead. I suppose it's nicer to receive a card in the post, I'm silly and terribly sentimental like that. 
These are the cards I bought this year, they are from Paperchase. Very me I thought. 

Like I mentioned before, I am SO organised. A corner of my room is filled with wrapped presents ready to go. Although I have exactly 3 weeks to go I am basically done. 
We also put up the Christmas tree at my mums last night. I suppose that's one of the perks of having divorced parents, 2 Christmas trees, 2 Christmases, more presents.
Totally irrelevant fact, I'm currently reading Russel Brand's book 'Revolution' ( along with about 6 other books, 2 of which are due back to the library 3 days ago ) and it really is very interesting. I can't say I agree with everything he says but I think it's important to listen to opposing opinions to understand what's really going on. I also enjoy his finely chiseled cheek bones and sense of humour, he is literally hilarious. Would definitely recommend. 

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